Root Zone Encroachment Monitoring and Supervision

Even with the best planning, sometimes encroachment in to a Tree Protection Zone is unavoidable.  Whether it’s a simple gas disconnection prior to construction commencement, or construction of a new feature in a portion of the TPZ area, GLN has you covered.  Not only do our Arborist Report and Tree Protection Plans provide specific impact mitigation recommendations for each encroachment area, our Certified Arborists have been implementing these strategies, and helping others implement them, successfully through all of our projects.  Trust GLN Certified Arborists with the protection and treatment of your trees during your construction and see how with proper impact mitigation your trees will tolerate the construction impact better and recover faster!

Root Zone Encroachment Monitoring and Supervision Includes:

  • An expert Certified Arborists present on the site to direct, monitor, and supervise the work occurring within the TPZ area(s) of concern as per the recommendations presented within your Arborist Report and Tree Protection Plan.
  • Treatment of Rooting discovered, including coordination and implementation of any mitigation techniques to be undertaken in the area
  • Full Assessment of any rooting discovered and impacted through the area.
  • Preservation of Rooting able to be preserved through the area(s) of encroachment
  • A comprehensive write up of the rooting discovered, impacted, as well as an assessment of the actual root mass impact that has occurred.  Our assessment includes expert analysis of the impact to your tree as well!

Contact GLN today to retain one of our Certified Arborists for your construction work within a TPZ area.  Didn’t contract a GLN Arborist Report and Tree Protection Plan?  Not a worry at all!  Give us a call to discuss your encroachment and construction, and we’re happy to help!